Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Measuring techniques

Flow rates and turbulence intensities can be measured with spatial high resolution using a Laser-Doppler-Anemometer (LDA) .  Moreover, it is possible to determine the size distribution of  dispersed, sherical particles or drops online in the process using the Phasen-Doppler-Anemometry (PDA) .

The use and further development of imaging techniques (e.g. PIV) for experimental analysis of single and multi phase flows is another  research point of the institute. Different measurement methods can be  realised using continuous and pulsed lasers. High resolution CCD cameras  in combination with different lenses make both the observation of  macroscopic flow fields with particles and microscopic ranges for the  analysis of the behaviour of single particles and/or particle swarms  possible. Furthermore, the flow rate of the continuous phase as well as  of the particles can be determined using double imaging cameras  (particle image velocimetry, PIV). Recent developments even make an  online determination of particle size and shape possible.

  • Laser-Doppler-Anemometry
  • Phase-Doppler-Anemometry
  • imaging techniques (PIV, PTV)
