Bulk solids lab
The main work of the laboratory of bulk solids is the determination of the yield behaviour of bulk materials. This requires particularly trained personnel and special equipment. Experiences of many years of bulk material measuring techniques as well as of the technological realisation of the results are also important. This is ensured by a know-how basing on the comprehensive characterisation of more than 500 bulk materials.
The laboratory of bulk solids is divided into the following fields/areas:
- Flow properties of bulk solids
- Fluidization behaviour of bulk solids
- Flow-based silo design
- Bulk solids density
- Characteristic angle of bulk solids
sample preparation:
- rotational sample divider
- mixer
- humidity meter
- fluidised bed
laboratory of power measurement:
- adhesion measuring device
- uni-axial tester
- testing device for measuring tensile and compressive strength of bulk solids
shear laboratory:
- JENIKE - shear apparatus
- time consolidation bench
- ring shearing apparatus
Christine Wicke